Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Tips for Year 8's to survive AC :) :3 :D

Learning: FOCUS O.O, save discussions and 'silly behaiviour' for after your work (major work) and tasks. There usually is 100minutes in each period so if you are a fast and determined learner (like me..) you will have plenty of time for fun! :D
-Also make goals (private or 'out there').
-Hand in homestudy on time.
-Collect commendations.
-Extra work! (optional but reccommended.)

Homework: May not seem like a big deal, but to teachers.. it is. Usually homestudy is completing assignments or gathering research to help you with your next class. Homework can come in many different forms such as; written essays, posters, powerpoint and ofcourse by the INTERNET.
-EXCELLENCE standard (jokes but higher than acheived is good, AIM HIGH lol.)
-Handed in ON TIME.. (some teachers may extend the time if they are feeling kind enough.)
-Must be presented well. (neat handwriting helps, i dont have neat handwriting which is why I type sometimes instead.)
-NO CHEATING (Teachers can see right through you! not literally. They know if you are cheating.)
(REMEMBER they have internet access too, all they have to do is search wikepedia or copy/paste into google and you're 'stuffed'.)

Friends: It's not up to me to decide which friends you are to have.. if you havn't noticed, it's yours (or your parents ;P). But here are some tips anyways. ||
TIPS:  <|=========================
-Find the group that has the same intrests as you, or who you think you would get along with!
-If you have no friends.. SOCIALISE:D, dw f your lonely for the first few days haha. You will get to know people as you go along.
-Stay away from 'the rebels' they are disrespectful losers:). Instead just sit back and watch them embarass themselves and slowly get expelled/kicked out/suspended, if they bully you or your friends tell someone blah blah blah and if they continue just see what they would be like in the future.. and laugh! or help them.. your choice lol:) (jokes dont laugh (out loud))<--lol!! brackets in brackets!
-Unless you are wierd and attention seeking, stay away from the dramtic, crying, sobbing, raging group. They will one day backstab you or blah blahhhhhh, just stay away from them:)
-Dont label people before you know them! which is what I did.. but I can do that because when you read this I will be year ten LLOLOLOLOL >;D.
*PEER PRESSUE!! dont give in!
*DRUGS/SMOKES/ALCHOL(alchol until your legal age. yet I still reccommend you to stay away from it.)
*BULLYING. Dont be a deppressed, jelous, stuck up,stupid desperate bully.
*FIGHTS.. that means participating and watching.
*STRANGER DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teachers: HAHA goodluck! I'm sorry but I cannot help you here. I cant really tell you what teachers 'are like.' That's something you have to figure out and experience throughout college life. They can be kind, mean, wierd, useless(not at AC though), funny, blaaaahhh blaaaaaaaaah blaaaaaaaaaaahh!



Tuesday, 15 November 2011


16 November 2011

Dear Mrs Howard,

Thank you for teaching me and our 9IC class. Science is my favourite subject at school, taught by a dedicated, inspiring, leading teacher. I would also like to thank you for putting up with 9IC for almost a whole year:) I have enjoyed learning in our science class about various subjects, such as; chemistry, biology, etc.

This year in science was a productive and ofcourse fun year, I also really enjoyed the science fair tasks (I hope to participate next year.) I hope to see you next year and learn more. Have a safe and fun holiday. :)

Yours Sincerely,


Sunday, 6 November 2011


English Grammar
Correct! One of those dogs [looks] silly. = One of those dogs [looks] silly.
You have now donated 370 grains of rice.



Christmas is a Christian Holiday to commemerate the birth of Jesus Christ:D Although this is a Christian event made to celebrate the birth of Jesus, many non-christians worldwide also celebrate Christmas but they change the true meaning into a holiday of gift giving, lighting of christmas trees, meals, display of decorations, etc. In doing this, the true meaning of Christmas is ignored.

My family celebrate Christmas by gathering together as a family and having a big meal:) We also go to Church events being held. The Church event includes coming together as a community, playing games, singing, worship and also having a bbq:D

Christmas is a very special and important occasion that I celebrate with my family, Church and community;D I can't wait......... ;3

Venus :D